Been a week

Its been more than a week since spirt is free
Lot’s of users using and there is a chance of getting the menu detected ! You guys said it will be free for a week ? Also looks like v2 isn’t gonna dropping soon so any comments from your side ?

Hello. It’s free untill we fix payments. And nope, it’s not gonna make it detected. V2 is almost ready for release, be patient :slight_smile:

What you can said about price for V2? and v2 has been created for legit too ? or like NeverL - for hvh?

Its already been 8 days since you said that well hope for best :star2:

We will not change price. And v2 will have huge hvh functionality.

Will i need to pay again for v2?

What do you mean “again”? It will be paid of course.

like if u purchased v1 you’ll get v2 but. ty for the reply

Of course. Its just an update of same cheat.

ty, i tought you’ll need to pay again